Friday, March 23, 2012

aku x kesah

well... sebagai salah seorang calon spm 2011 mestilah aku pun nk cite asal result yg baru keluar rabu lps kan.... alhamdulillah aku dpt reslt yg bgs walaupun x dpt straight A berabuk mcm member2 yg lain...                           

ni result aku

bm A+.... ni mmg yang plg best...dpt2 trs call cikgu

sej A+..... ni alhamdulillah mnepati ramalan

math A.....even aku target A+ tapi  pe la ak redha

pai A........same cam math tapi aku da redha...

bi!!!!!! A kot bnde ni..... : D

fzik............guess wat aku dpt A- oh.. gile seronok nk melompat aku di btye

bio,kimia n admath sme b+ (huhuhu... yg ni yg bt aku kagum kjab.. almaklum sajelah trial aku trk kot)

naik2 stage je aku x pndg keliling da.. tgn aku pun da mcm org kne stroke ,kat dada je  mlt aku mmg ucap alhamdulillah je... seronok x terkate....even still a bit jealous ngan member2 lain dpt result 11A, 10 A, 9A tapi aku da blh manage diri aku x mcm time pmr dulu.. 

 aku igt lagy time pmr dulu lps t result 7A1B1C aku mmg happy tapi lps dpt tau aku x dt msk sbp n mrsm aku pye down x terkate.. aku x leh concentrate brain stuck... my life totally ruin... i smiled in front of others but i cried under the blanket. i took a year to build my spirit back and alhamdulillah i succeeded....

and now time to choose which course should i take.... i`m still confuse either medic, engineering or education... my parents want me to take TESL so that i can be a teacher. but, at the same time i want to further in medical field.i really like physics so, i want to take engineering too..... argh...!!!!!!!! its so confusing....... :-( but still i want to say alhamduliillah coz my parents are always let me free to choose and they say "we dont want to force u, choose whatever the best for u" .... ahhh...aint they so sweet ;-) .

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